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Illustrating the Book - Hope Is a Butterfly, If You Don't Squish the Caterpillar

In this chat, Cristal Lynn Cook, Jasleni Brito, and Kat Powell discuss how Kat came to be the illustrator for "Hope Is a Butterfly, If You Don't Squish the Caterpillar" and what the project was like for Kat from an artistic perspective.

A Chat with Illustrator Kat Powell


Hope the caterpillar goes into her chrysalis - but change can be very scary - and her friend Gracie wants to help her escape! Join these lovable characters as they learn about friendship, hardship, unconditional love, Second Chances, and what it truly means to help a friend in need. Hope Is a Butterfly, If You Don't Squish the Caterpillar is the first in the Crystalline Vibes™ children's book series that help children and the adults who care about them learn simple strategies to navigate a complex world.


Cristal Lynn Cook, LCSW grew up in Mancos, Colorado, population 1,000. At a young age, Cristal had a passion for rescuing animals and creating adventures. Her journey to grown-up-hood took a meandering path that involved several careers, from C.P.A. to F.B.I. agent, and ultimately, to her finding her true calling as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). For the past 20 years she has found it incredibly rewarding to work with children, adolescents, and families as a therapist and advocate. Her adventurous spirit is satisfied as she travels internationally doing what she loves: helping teens and families, rescuing animals, and exploring the world. The real-life Charlie and Gracie are “rescue animals,” but when looking at her own life, Cristal often asks herself… “Really, who is rescuing whom?” To learn more about Cristal and what she is doing now, check out her website at


Kat Powell is a Freelance Illustrator and Fine Artist with a BFA in Studio Art from Texas Tech University. When Kat was in elementary school, she and her big sister were big anime fans, and Kat spent hours watching her sister draw, copying her and learning from her. Her sister’s encouragement ignited in Kat a passion for drawing. Soon, Kat was creating characters of her own invention, and looking for art teachers to help her improve her skills. Today, Kat has shown at galleries and in juried shows in Texas, California, and New York. In 2014, Kat’s art was chosen as part of The SeeMe Takeover, an international show of fine art projected on the giant billboards in Times Square. Surprisingly, Kat didn’t like school, especially reading, but when she found out she had Dyslexia, two very special teachers helped her understand her own brain and discover the magical world of books. Now, in addition to creating her own fine art and projects for other clients, Kat loves books and illustrates children’s picture books, young adult novels, and graphic novels. Kat shares her home with feline furbabies, Doe, Wani, and Salem. To explore more of Kat’s work and see what she comes up with next, visit her at and on Instagram @kat_powell_artist



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