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Former FBI Agent Turned Author Launching the Butterfly Effect

E137 - Cristal Cook - Former FBI Agent Turned Author Launching the Butterfly Effect

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My vision is to do my part to raise the vibration of the planet, one person at a time, to ultimately launch a butterfly effect: “A butterfly can flutter its wings over a flower in China and cause a hurricane in the Caribbean”.* The flutter of a butterfly’s wings is not forceful or commanding, yet that gentle movement can be inspiring, with the power of exponential effects. My own “gentle flutter” includes providing mental health therapy, speaking engagements, workshops, and my Crystalline Vibes™ children’s book series, using playful storytelling through the eyes of beloved animal characters to teach children how to be happier and healthier.

I grew up in Mancos, Colorado, population 1,000. Growing up, I spent my childhood rescuing animals, working in my parents’ hardware store--through good, old-fashioned parent manipulation--and even running my own detective agency, graciously sanctioned by the Town Marshall.

My journey to grown-up-hood took a meandering path. Early on, my parents understood that I would need a lot of encouragement and persuasion to pursue a safe, stable, and secure career. More of that good, old-fashioned parental encouragement led me to earn a BA in Accounting and I became a CPA. Yearning for more adventure and excitement, I returned to my childhood law-enforcement roots and became a Special Agent for the FBI, and a new path was forged.



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Dave's Audio Book Recommendation for November 2022 Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story - Bono

Bono—artist, activist, and the lead singer of Irish rock band U2—has written a memoir: honest and irreverent, intimate and profound, Surrender is the story of the remarkable life he’s lived, the challenges he’s faced, and the friends and family who have shaped and sustained him.

Narrated by the author, Surrender is an intimate, immersive listening experience, telling stories from Bono’s early days in Dublin, to joining a band and playing sold out stadiums around the world with U2, plus his more than 20 years of activism.

Throughout a remarkable life, music has always been a constant for Bono and in the audiobook, his distinctive voice is interwoven with a very personal soundtrack adding atmosphere and texture to each and every scene. From moments of classic U2 hits to snippets by The Clash, Patti Smith, Verdi, Johnny Cash and Mozart, Surrender also exclusively features clips of newly recorded re imagined versions of U2 songs including ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’, ‘With Or Without You’, ‘One’, ‘Beautiful Day’ and more, glimpsed for the first time on Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story.


Questions? Thoughts? If so, drop me a comment down below.


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