Operation Transformation Individual Coaching Program
Do you want things to be different, but not sure what or how? If so, Transformational Coaching may be what you are looking for and guess what? You are in the right place!
My specialty is transformation, particularly helping people actualize their highest potential and dreams. We are all here to fulfill a purpose, and not living that purpose results in the feeling that something is missing. I help people identify and rise above barriers that are holding them back from greatness and manifest the life they have always dreamed of!

My Operation Transformation Coaching Program is highly structured and includes the gold standard in personality assessments, the NEO-PI-3 Personality Assessment.
This program is not for the faint of heart, but for someone that is ready to commit to change and taking action.
What does this look like?
We schedule our initial assessment meeting to discuss where you currently are and ideas of what you want to change. It’s okay if you are not quite clear on that yet, we can work together to figure it out. Click here to learn more about the NEO.
You will take the online NEO personality assessment. I will complete a report and interpret the results for you.
We develop goals and an action plan guided by the results of the NEO assessment. The information gleaned from the NEO will provide efficiency and momentum for your transformation, allowing you to be on the fast track to achieving your goals.
We work through the Manifestation Curriculum and Guide together.
Weekly Consultation
Goal-Setting and Goal-Getting
Don’t let ineffective goal-setting sabotage your dreams! What keeps us from reaching our goals? I believe it’s primarily two things:
Ineffective goal-setting
Artificial barriers created by our self-limiting beliefs
A common theme with many people seeking change is that most people have a difficult time with effective goal-setting. In particular, imagining, clearly identifying, defining, and describing what the end result of the accomplished goal will look and feel like in their life and exactly what will be different. But not you; I will help you learn HOW to tweak your goal-getting strategies and achieve your dreams!
Manifestation Curriculum and Guide
There is a specific strategy involved in manifesting your dreams. It is a technique utilized by many of the highly successful people of our time. I have taken what I have learned from the following thought leaders (not an inclusive list): Oprah, Jack Canfield, Esther Hicks - Abraham, Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, and Dr. Wayne Dyer. I have combined the knowledge I have gained from these thought leaders and created a curriculum and guide for you to follow as we work together to reach your goals.
We will meet weekly to work together to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. I will help you leverage your strengths and simplify things so that you don’t get stuck feeling overwhelmed. Life can get complicated, but it doesn’t need to be a struggle. While I cannot guarantee that your transformation will be painless, I do guarantee that it WILL be worth it. Your time to emerge as a butterfly is here. Let’s begin!

Let's work together
Want to learn more about transformation coaching? Please email me at info@cristalcook.com or Contact Me here.